
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Kelmscott Senior High School

Selecting a secondary school that best suits the needs of your child is a very important decision.


We thank you for considering our school, in entrusting your child’s education with us. Our staff aim to provide an educational environment in which your child can thrive.


Kelmscott Senior High School is a school of choice within our local and extended community. We are pleased to offer placement to those who reside within our defined local intake area; as well as those who live outside our local intake area via the range of approved specialist programs we offer.


The local intake area for our school contains all or part of the local intake areas of the following schools:


  • Clifton Hills Primary
  • Grovelands Primary
  • Kelmscott Primary
  • Kingsley Primary
  • Westfield Park Primary
  • Roleystone Community College (from Year 11)

Families wishing to enrol their child at Kelmscott SHS, will need to complete ALL the enrolment documents, and provide the listed accompanying documents.


Please provide original documents to the school.

Gifted and Talented Education

WA country students who are accepted into our Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Program may be eligible to apply to board at the Department of Education’s City Beach Residential College.

Applications for Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance programs in 2025 are NOW OPEN.

Applications are open to students who will enter Year 7 in 2025.

Limited places may also be available for students who will enter Years 9, 10 and 11 in 2025.

Applications close Sunday, 11 February 2024 and testing will occur in Term 1, 2024.

For more information or to apply, go to www.education.wa.edu.au/giftedandtalented

Specialist Learning Program – Autism Spectrum Disorder

Specialist and Academy Programs

Out of Area enrolments

Applications from parents/guardians outside our local intake area (see local intake area map) are considered with the number being determined by the school’s capacity to accommodate further enrolments based on the following criteria:

  1. First Priority – A child qualifying for a specialist program approved by the Director General for that year.
  2. Second Priority –A child who has a sibling also enrolled at the school in the current year. Siblings can only be accepted when accommodation is available.
  3. Third Priority – A child who does not have a sibling enrolled at the school in the current year; who lives nearest to Kelmscott Senior High School with the distance being measured in a straight line on a horizontal plane.

Intake area maps can be viewed in http://www.det.wa.edu.au/schoolsonline


As requests for out-of-area enrolments far exceed the number of places available, families from outside of local intake area are advised to first enrol their children at their local area school as unfortunately our capacity to accept these enrolments has been limited in recent years.