Clan System & Homeroom

Clans play an important role within the school as they create a sense of team unity. Clans (similar to Houses) work in a number of ways within Kelmscott Senior High School, in a sporting nature and as a behaviour incentive. Clans are also a means of maintaining the sense of belonging attributed to homerooms at Kelmscott


Kelmscott has four Clans: Dale, Gell, Lucich & Martin. Students are organised into Clans when they enrol in the school. The Clans compete against each other for the Clan Shield at sporting carnivals.


In addition the Clan system is used as a behavioural incentive within the school, where students are awarded Clan Points from their teachers for commendable behaviour. These points are distributed by teachers’ use of the House Points booklets. A booklet can be obtained from Student Services.

Clan System’s Aim


Increase student identification with the school, their clan and home-room;

  • Provide students with leadership opportunities;
  • Encourage interest in school activities through healthy, positive competition between Clans; and
  • Recognise a range of student achievements through the use of Clan Points.
  • Information about clan activities and a clan point tally are provided on SEQTA.


Student Clan Leaders will be selected to represent each year group. They will have special responsibilities, including assisting with meetings in their home-room, providing student feedback about clan activities and helping with the organisation, advertising and running of clan activities.

Home-room and school activities such as athletics carnivals are organised on a Clan basis. Students will be awarded Clan Points through participation in activities and as a reward for positive behaviours in their classes. Parents and students will be able to view points for each child through SEQTA.


The Houses are:

  • Dale (Red) represented by a bull
  • Martin (Blue) represented by a shark
  • Gell (Gold) represented by a lion
  • Lucich (Green) represented by a dragon



Home-room groups are arranged in year levels with the same teacher (wherever possible) being responsible for the same group of students through their high school years. Home-room teachers play a vital role in pastoral care, monitoring of absences, checking on the student organisers and other administrative duties.


Home-room groups meet for twenty minutes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between sessions one and two. Home-room will also be devoted to clan activities; individual career pathway planning; study skills and delivery of the school’s well-being and resiliency program. Home-room time can be extended to assist with administration at various times during the year, including year assemblies and guest speaker programs.


Attendance at home-room is compulsory.
Each home-room group will have a student councillor and a home-room representative, elected by members of the home-room. The home-room representative will have responsibilities such as collecting information from student services and supporting their home-room teacher. Student councillors will represent their home-room and work with the year coordinator in the planning, organisation and implementation of year-based events.


Home-room groups are based on the school’s Clan system

Clan Points and other positive actions


Kelmscott House Points are reward tokens, given to students by school staff, to acknowledge that student demonstrating an attribute of positive behaviour. Each time a student is observed demonstrating a particular attribute an reward can be processed through SEQTA (Kelmscott Clan Point) in acknowledgement of their exemplary behaviour.


These Clan Point will add to the students running tally on SEQTA (which can be viewed by students and their parents). Each week these points are monitored by our Clan Coordinator where raffles and prizes can be won. Furthermore they are then collated and added to the student’s homeroom tally for our school wide Clan Reward System.

Other Positive Actions


Teachers at Kelmscott SHS will continue to ensure that positive behaviour is given recognition. The Executive Team are committed to increasing communication, not only between teachers and students, but also between school and home. This may come in the form of:

  • House Point acknowledgements
  • Top Student Awards
  • Encouraging phone calls to parent
  • Positive Behaviour Reports
  • Letter of Commendation
  • Reward Activities