Being the best that we can be
Respect & Responsibility
Showing appreciation and consideration for those around us
Ability to recover quickly from difficulties Citizenship
– Actively participating in the community –
We want our students to be prepared to succeed in a Twenty First Century world. We want them to be active, engaged future citizens who enter life post-secondary on pathways that suit their individual need, with appropriate technological skills that allow them to communicate and function in the modern world. We want them to have the critical thinking and problem solving skills that empower them to have the resiliency to face the world.
Striving for excellence underpins everything we do. We aspire for students to become successful learners who have the resilience and confidence in achieving their individual best.
In acknowledging the traditions of the school, we believe in the ability of students and staff to continually reflect and improve on practice and performance.Our motto is supported by the Respect, Resilience and Responsibility Charter which outlines our expectations in the school and the wider community.