Big Picture Education

Big Picture Program


Big Picture is an alternative design to education. Its model has been adopted by numerous schools in Australia, the USA and other progressive countries. The premise around Big Picture learning is that each student is unique. Their interests are unique and their learning style is unique.


The Big Picture Academy at Kelmscott began in 2020, seeing two cohorts of Year 12 complete a two-year learning journey driven by themselves and a team of advisors and mentors. By discovering their passions, students build individual learning plans with their advisory teachers that will provide them with a variety of learning opportunities through Big Picture learning goals that relate to Australian Curriculum subject areas. Students ‘leave to learn’ by finding internships, meeting mentors and working with experts in their field of interest.

Big Picture students develop an online portfolio of their work, and on completion of Year 12, receive the International Big Picture Learning Credential. Developed in conjunction with Melbourne University, the IBPLC is a formal, personalised assessment that recognises the individual achievements, competencies, and potential of each student within each Big Picture learning goal. The IBPLC is now a recognised pathway entry into Murdoch University.

One student at a time, in a community of learners

(Big Picture Education, Australia)

*Application forms can be found under Prospective Students tab