Year 12 Specific Information

Parent Information – Student Declaration and Permission Online


To reduce paper handling and the administrative load on schools, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority has developed an online procedure for collecting student declaration and permissions in 2020.

Kelmscott SHS Presentation Ceremony


Presentation Ceremony


  • WACE Attainment requirements are more demanding on student achievement. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority no longer refers to “Graduation”. As such, Kelmscott SHS has renamed the official school ceremony to include all students that have completed Year 12, achieved Good Standing and demonstrated a positive attitude and commitment to their studies.


  • The eligibility of students to attend the Presentation Ceremony will be determined by Senior Executive and the Year 12 Co-ordinator.
School Ball

Kelmscott SHS School Ball


  • Only students who have maintained their Good Standing will be invited to attend the School Ball. This includes those attending as partners.
  • Students who lose their Good Standing during the first part of the year may enter into an arrangement with the Year 12 Co-ordinator to get their Good Standing reinstated.
  • Students not invited to attend the ball may also lodge an appeal to the Year 12 Co-ordinator. The outcome of the appeal will be determined by the Year 12 Co-ordinator and the Deputy Principals responsible for Year 12 and Student Services.