Incentives for High Achievers

School Incentives for High Achievers


1st Semester As

Students receiving 2 A’s or more in their first semester results will be acknowledged in the MUSE and will be presented with certificates and chocolates at a high achiever assembly.


Honour Board

Students achieving 16 A’s over two years (Years 11 and 12) will be inducted into the Kelmscott Senior High School Honour Society at the Year 12 Graduation Ceremony. This will be based on end of year course marks. An Honour Board in the front office includes the names of all students with 16 A’s.

Monetary Incentives


  • Kelmscott Senior High School ATAR – Dux will receive $100 from the school.
  • Kelmscott Senior High School VET Dux will receive $100 from the school.
  • For each ATAR subject where a scaled mark of over 75% is achieved students will receive a certificate from the school.
  • For each General course where a scaled mark of over 75% is achieved students will receive a certificate from the school.
  • Students who gain a Certificate of Commendation or Merit receive $50
  • Students who gain a Certificate of Distinction receive $100

School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) Awards


General Exhibitions

Forty awards, known as General Exhibitions, are awarded to the eligible students who obtain the highest School Curriculum & Standards Authority WACE award.  Scores are based on the average of five un-truncated scaled scores, calculated to two decimal places, with at least two from each of List A and List B. The average marks scaling process is used to determine the scaled scores.


Certificates of Merit & Certificates of Distinction

Certificates of Merit and Certificates of Distinction recognise student achievement in the WACE and are dependent on the degree of difficulty of the courses and programs undertaken, together with the student’s level of achievement. These awards will be based on the grades awarded to students by their schools.


A Certificate of Merit or a Certificate of Distinction is to be awarded to each eligible student who, in their last three consecutive years of senior secondary school WACE enrolment, accumulates:


  • 150–189 points = a Certificate of Merit
  • 190–200 points = a Certificate of Distinction


Points for the achievement of Certificates of Merit and Certificates of Distinction are calculated according to the following rules and table:


  • points are accrued at the unit level
  • points are accrued from 20 Year 11 and Year 12 units of which at least ten must be Year 12 units
  • the units used to calculate a student’s points will be those that maximise the student’s score (maximum points = 200)
  • if a unit/course is repeated the result for the first attempt is used in the determination of these awards
  • unit equivalents from AQF VET industry certificates achieved can be used to meet the requirements. A maximum of eight unit equivalents can be used. An AQF VET industry Certificate II or higher must been achieved. Achieved certificates in the following combination may be used:
    • one Certificate III or above
    • two Certificate II
  • Endorsed programs and AQF VET vocational certificates may contribute a unit equivalence of up to four units – two Year 11 units and two Year 12 units. Endorsed programs and AQF VET vocational certificates are not allocated points and do not reduce the number of points required.
Point per unit ATAR Course General Course Foundation Course VET Industry
Maximum points per VET qualification
10 A
9 B Certificate IV+
Replaces two Year 11
and four Year 12 units
8 A Certificate III
Replaces two Year 11
and four Year 12 units
6 Certificate II
Replaces two Year 11
and two Year 12 units

Course Exhibitions


A course exhibition may be awarded to the eligible student obtaining the highest combined mark for each WACE course, provided that the mark is equal to or greater than 95. To be eligible for a Course Exhibition, the student must have completed at least two course units in the year of the award. No Course Exhibition will be available for students who have not sat the examination in that course. Only one exhibition is awarded in each course.